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These are Days

These are Days

Oil on board

12x24 with gold floater frame. Wired and ready to hang.


In Spring 2000 we found out we were expecting our first baby!  It was fun planning how we would tell our families.  Since my husband is the youngest of seven, and the last to have a baby, he wanted to do something memorable.

We had just built our new home 7 months earlier, and we invited everyone for a barbecue and games.

But behind the scenes, we were putting together a day that marked the beginning of something special.

And that is how the Luts Olympics was born.

We made t-shirts with the Olympic logo and the words: Luts Olympics, the year, and the name of our town.  We made a flag that matched the shirts and had a torch, to symbolize the opening and closing of the games.  And of course, lots of FUN games for everyone to partake in.

I can remember everyone on our new outdoor deck, our yard was sparse, with a few trees on the side and the grass was so young it still had the mesh showing through.  It looked like a vast open space that was just taking root.

Just like our new family.

We told everyone that we made two teams, and to listen as we called out the list.  

One team had pink shirts, the other had blue.  As soon as the shirts came out of the bags, we thought they would KNOW RIGHT AWAY!!

NOPE!  They were so excited to strategize with their teammates, that it wasn’t obvious.  We were in shock – how are they not getting this?!

As I stood before a sea of pink and blue shirts worn by these beautiful humans excited to play – I asked them to all look on the back of their shirts.

Every single shirt had the #14 on it, and NO one had any idea!!!

I finally had to ask my mother-in-law, how many grandchildren she had.  When she thought about it, she looked up and said 13.  We said, no, it’s 14 ☺

The screams and squeals still play in my mind.  So much joy and love in that moment.

That day was the beginning of our annual game day – The Luts Olympics!!  For years the siblings, spouses, and cousins gathered for a good old-fashioned bbq, games, opening and closing ceremonies, AND memories to last a lifetime!

“These are the days.

These are days you'll remember.
Never before and never since, I promise, will the whole world be warm as this.
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true that you are blessed and lucky.
It's true that you are touched by something that will grow and bloom in you.”

Music reference: These Are Days, 10,000 maniacs


    ©2021 Kim Lutschaunig.  All rights reserved.

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